Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Parts of the Mass

The Mass is generally divided into two general parts: the Litrugy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. At the start, we have a rite to begin the celebration: we call is the Introductory Rites. In the end, we have another rite that concludes the celebration: the Dismissal Rite.

The Introductory Rites consist of the following:

The Entrance Procession, accompanied by the Entrance Song
The Veneration of the Altar by the Priest and the Ministers
The Kissing of the Altar by the Priest Celebrant and Concelebrants
The Greeting
The "I Confess" (or "Confiteor")
Th "Lord, Have Mercy"
The "Gloria"
The Opeing Prayer or Collect

Next time we will explain the meaning of each of these for us to have a better appreciation of the meaning of these parts of the Mass.

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