Monday, October 8, 2007

The Mass: The Introductory Rites

These rites have a character of beginning, introduction and preparation. The purpose of these rites is to set the proper mood for the celebration, by 1) forming the faithful gathered together into a community, 2) preparing them to listen intently to the Word of God, and 3) preparing them to celebrate the Eucharist worthily.

The Entrance Procession:

The Entrance Procession has a deep theological significance: it reminds us that we are a pilgrim people, on our way fron here to eternity. In this journey, Christ (symbolized by the altar) is our goal. At the same time, Christ (represented by the priest celebrant) accompanies us on the way. The Entrance procession must always be accompanied by the Entrance Song which must be a liturgical song, and not just any other religious song.

The Entrance Song has the following purpose:

1) to open the celebration: It must set the mood for the celebration. It must therefore be appropriate for the feast, or the liturgical season that is being celebrated. For example, you don't sing a Christmas song if it is still the season of advent. As much as possible, choirs must also see to it that the people know and can join in the singing of the entrance song. Please remeber this: Choirs are not there to perform, but to lead the singing of the congragation. In some of our parishes, the choirs think they are making a performance and the people just listen. If you want to render a performance, do it in the Cultural Center or somewhere else, but not in the Church during Mass. Your songs must encourage active participation. So sing songs that people can easily follow. People go to Mass not to admire you or hear you perform; they go to Mass to be with the Lord. So be fair to them!;

2) To intensify the unity of the faithful assembled for the Mass;

3) To lead or direct their thoughts to the liturgical season or feast that is being celebrated;

4) to accompany the Entrance Procession

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